Datak PRODUCTS page 1. On this page, below:
. (Copyright
LKG Industries 2003) LINK Step by step instructions,
for positive acting PC boards, the Datak Premier series.
The products…………………... (Copyright LKG Industries 2003) Datak Premier® Series, standard
types Making your own Printed Circuit boards is no longer the hassle that it once was; perfect boards can be made repeatedly with the Datak Premier series resist-coated boards. Premier boards do not require U/V light; you may expose Datak Premier Boards using an ordinary 100 watt light bulb. In addition to some tap water, here is what you will need: A Dark Room is not necessary. Work in subdued incandescent lighting that is non-direct. A 25 watt bulb kept at a distance from the board is generally good, and enough to provide light during positioning of the positive on the PC board while inserting board and positive into an exposure frame. Develop in the same, low-level light. The circuit pattern will be quite visible to you. 1.) A conventional white light 100 watt bulb and lamp fixture to hold it.2.) An exposing frame to hold the positive against the Premier PC board during exposure to the light. 3. ) Developer concentrate; mix with ordinary tap water. 4.) Developer tray: to hold liquid developer and PC board during developing. Any plastic or glass dish may be used, as long as it is large enough to hold the PC board. 5.) Etchant; Ferric Chloride is recommended. Etching should be done in a glass or plastic tray or wide mouth jar (never in metal container). Standard Premier® PC boards.
Premier® Boards are considered the easiest and safe method. "Printed Circuit Boards for Dummies" was what one customer called them. The developer is a very mild sodium hydroxide solution (much like a watered-down Drano) with a small "secret" additive. Remaining developer may simply be flushed down the drain with water and is harmless. Below are other weights of PC boards in the Premier series.
Datak Premier ® series Special Board types Special types include thin (1/32" thickness) boards and standard 1/16" thickness with 2 oz. weight copper.Special sizes Chart
To your left, Premier®
Printed Circuit boards ready to be exposed to a 100 watt light bulb with your
positive art. Note that there are thin 1/32" boards and also boards with two
ounce copper. Use Datak no. 12-404 or 12-402 Developer Concentrate ten parts to one mixed with ordinary tap water. This is a liquid supplied in a bottle as you can see at the right. The 12-402 is two
ounces, the 12-404 is four ounces. Once you have mixed the solution, store
unused solution in an air tight bottle. Refrigeration will extend the shelf
life, which is ordinarily several weeks, to several months. The less air
in the container, the longer the shelf life. So, a plastic bottle that can be
squeezed to reduce air "head-space" will help with storage. Best results require genuine Datak Developer.
PC Developing & Etching Trays
NOT for use with the Negative developer.)
LAB PC Board ETCHING TANK SYSTEM. Like the tanks used by the big producers, except designed for a modest
pocketbook and intended for use by users that make a few boards at a time.
Etching (with Ferric Chloride Etchant) is vastly more effective when the
solution is warm or very warm, agitated and full of air bubbles (oxygen acts
much like a catalyst). No. 12-700 Complete Lab Etch Tank (does not include
the Ferric Chloride Etching solution).
The 1/4 lb. package will produce 1 pint of solution which will etch about 200 square inches of 1 ounce (standard) copper board. Heavier copper, such as 2 ounce, will require proportionally more etchant. No. ER-3 1/4 lb. Etchant Powder Concentrate
LIQUID ETCHING SOLUTION, ferric chloride. No. 12-2038 Ferric Chloride Etching liquid Solution 32 ounce bottle. Metal frame with slide-in glass and wood trays; holds the positive "art" tightly against board during exposure to light source. Two sizes are available. No. ER-10 for up to 9" X 12" Boards Fine Point Pen No. ER15 Thin FIBERGLASS Material A standard one ounce copper board but in the thin, 1/32" thickness. Material is FR-4 fiberglass, copper thickness is .0014". Available with copper on one side or both sides. At this time the product is offered only in 6" X 9" Part no. PCB71 size 6" X 9" Copper one side
SEE DATAK Tinnit process for protecting the copper circuit boards with tin plate. . (Copyright LKG Industries 2003) Questions regarding PC products? Send email to TheseusRob at CS.com To contact LKG Industries Inc. Headquarters