Frequent Questions & Answers
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[Not seeing or getting lastest updates?]
(1.) Try refreshing each page when you enter it, by clicking on the refresh button on top of your Internet Explorer page.
(2.) Make sure you have the lastest update to Adobe Reader & Java programs. (provided by clicking the icons on the top of each page)
[Passwords not working for restricted pages?]
(1.) All passwords must be UPPERCASE only!
(2.) Verify you have the right password for the right restricted areas!
[Having a problem logging on to the Login Distributors?]
Here is the explanation some of you have given us:
When I clicked on the -> Login Distributors, I got a 'pop-up' stating; "? this area is password protected?".
Then I get a 'pop-up' stating; "! incorrect password you will now be transfered."
Then I get a window that states; This Is A Restricted Area...Please Leave! We are logging your ...IP Address!
Click on your start button, then go to control panel, internet options, security, trusted sites
& add our website to the list of "Trusted Sites"
& then you should be able login to the Login Distributor section with no problem using the correct password.