Ceramic Trimmer Capacitors
A series of small trimmers for use in RF, digital, etc.. circuits. Diameter approximately
0.24" and leads are on 0.20" centers. Specifications are:
Working voltage: 50V
Max. Voltage: 110V DC
Insulation Resistance: 100meg (at)50V DC
Operating temperature: -30C to +85C
Q factor: >500
PRICE for one blister (display) package of 3pieces per pack (at) $1.15 suggested price.
For Bulk add a dash "-B" suffix and check with your distributor for quantity
One section 5 to 60 pfd. and the other 5 to 160, center pin common. You can
tie the sections together as a 10 to 220 pFd single capacitor. Rated at 150 VDC, it can
easily be used for 15 or 20 watt QRP rig. antenna tuning. No. 86-1450……..2 gang variable capacitor. Price $4.99 (pack of one)