Making a two sided Printed
Circuit Board.
Here we describe a method that has worked for us many times in the making of a double sided PC board. Clearly, when one is making a PC board with copper on both sides, “registration” is very important. Registration is the alignment of one side with the other; and the two sides MUST be correctly aligned. ("Perfect Registration") We will describe a process rather than try to Illustrate it with drawings. We have described the process many times to groups and over the telephone and it can be understood easily by anyone that has made a PC board before. We will tell you how to make an Exposing Envelope. The process requires that you make an
Exposing Envelope out of the two pieces of circuit artwork (top
and bottom of board), which you perhaps refer to as positives or
negatives. For the sake of discussion, we will refer to them as positives.
Notes: A simple
process, no? About the only Caveat is to be sure not to run tape on top of
the circuit patterns as it can block enough light during exposure to
(possibly) cause a problem. You’ll soon learn to allow room for tape, trim
the envelope opening and leave a bit extra on a board to tape at the
opening. Minor things. Sometimes, this author trims the film for the “bottom” side larger than the film positive for the top side. It is easier to tape and hold good registration during taping if the piece of film on the bottom is a bit larger than the top piece. However, if the top and Bottom side film positives are of equal size (as mentioned above), it sometimes makes it easier to handle the finished envelope. Then you have to put tape on the top film an wrap it around the edges without the two films travelling and messing up registration. For bigger boards (6 X 6 on up), I am forced to use the “equal size” films as thing seem to work more easily. QUESTIONS? SEND ME A NOTE: TheseusRob at Compuserve.com and I’ll try to get back to you right away. |