from the Datak Manufacturing div. of
LKG Industries, Inc.
A stepper may be used to orient a video camera, antenna, spotlight etc.. or used for table position in production. This driver will control a 5, 6 or 8 lead unipolar stepper motor (often available from surplus dealers). The circuit permits fast or slow run rate and even single stepping into final position; uses the UCN5804B IC. Four LED’s indicate movement if motor is remotely controlled (input from 6 to 35 volts). The kit is supplied with quite a bit of good information, how to identify motor connections, spec sheets and a list of references for reading about steppers etc. No. 80-109 Stepper Motor Kit
This circuit is an alarm for the home or car door, and a lot more. It employs a magnet and reed switch to trigger the circuit; when the magnet is moved away from the reed switch, the alarm is triggered. An integral piezo sounder produces the alarm sound (100dB). And a PLUS, a relay capable of handling up to 10 amps AC is included and may be connected to turn on or off an appliance, light or external alarm sounder etc. Therefore the circuit could be used to turn on a light whenever a basement or garage door is opened. No. 80-101 Home/Car Alarm Kit Set timer for anywhere from a few seconds to about 15 minutes, control AC appliances; it will beep and trigger a relay when it has timed down. May be used for darkroom or PC board exposure timer, exit room timer etc.. Turn anything on or off. The ten amp relay can switch some larger loads such as bright lights, small AC motors etc. The circuit operates from 9 volt transistor battery. No. 80-102 Universal Timer Kit.
The most popular usage for this kit is to make your own nightlight; and you won’t be limited to one of those dinky seven watt bulbs. You could also switch just about any appliance, either on or off, with either darkness or daylight. Light sensitivity is adjustable over quite a range. The relay can handle up to 10 amps AC. You need to add a nine volt transistor battery or a nine volt, 25 mA supply. No. 80-103 Photo Sensor with Control Relay Y our voice can be changed to add a vibration, like those used to disguise secret witnesses. Or, you may change your voice tone upward or downward; women sound like men and vice versa. Includes a very ROBOTIC voice as well. A microphone and speaker are included on the PC board, all that you need to add is a nine volt, transistor battery. This is a very novel and entertaining circuit.No. 80-105 Voice Changer Kit Another novel circuit, that might be useful for special theatrical effects. Or, if you are simply a practical joker. The circuit can produce sounds such as the tick-tock of a grand father’s clock, a heart monitor (as in the hospital), water on a tin roof, a motor boat, cricket, etc.. Requires a 9 volt battery. Includes its own speaker .No. 80-106 Sound Effects Generator Kit
Amplify any tiny audio signals about fifty times, and deliver them to a power amplifier cleanly and undistorted. An AGC (automatic gain control) eliminates pops or distortion. This circuit will be useful in boosting the output from tape heads, microphones or a magnetic phono cartridge etc.. The fidelity is very good; use for input to an audio amplifier. Requires a 12V DC power supply at about 100 mA peak. No. 80-104 Stereo Preamplifier Kit
Added in response to the popularity of our part no. 80-740, which is for use at the parallel port. This programmable set of eight relays and connects to the serial port of a PC. This permits location at some distance from the PC (up to about 100 yards away), plus the circuit may be disconnected from the PC once it has been programmed. Latched relay operation, 250V / 12A certified relays switched (250V rated) and with 4 external inputs. Programmable. Comes with case and end panel pieces as shown in photos. No. 80-108 Serial Port Relay Module kit Continuity Tester
This is the most often needed piece of test equipment, checks continuity at two, switchable settings: 2.8 or 185 ohms. The unit will buzz when a continuity below the set resistance is encountered. Based around the LM324 op-amp IC. This kit is wonderful for beginners that need to learn to solder, identify components and finally end up with a basic test equipment circuit that will be useful as they continue their education. (shown to right, the PC board only; the kit includes all parts except a 9 volt battery). No. 80-110 Continuity Tester Kit Square Wave Oscillator Kit This is a very simple circuit, generating square waves for use with test equipment, teaching, etc. Generates square waves of approximately 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz, & 100KHz. This is a good teaching aid kit, both for the instructor and the DIY user. No. 80-111 Oscillator KitPC Board Only pictured, but ALL parts are
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LKG Industries, Inc.